
Throughout the Bible God uses very ordinary people who are often prone to failure but also capable of remarkable things. Peter was one such person who Jesus inspired to do great things. Peter was a hard working fisherman on the Sea of Galilee often fishing right through the night. Following his Baptism by John the Baptist Jesus was walking beside the lake and calls out to the two fishermen to "follow me" so Peter leaves this familiar life behind along with his partner Andrew, they abandon their nets to become disciples, to follow Jesus and become ‘fishers of men’ instead.

Peter became leader among the disciples and was clearly a very close friend to Jesus. He was always listed first among the disciples and was often present along with James and John when the others were not there, most notable at the transfiguration and in the Garden of Gethsemane.

The Bible shows Peter as a well intentioned but flawed Character not always understanding, and on occasions Jesus rebuked him quite sternly. Peter most noticeably crumbled when he denied that he ever knew Jesus, this was just before the arrest of Jesus and the disciples were scared for their own safety. Jesus had predicted that Peter would deny him three times that very night before the rooster had crowed twice. After his third denial the rooster crowed and Peter remembering what Jesus had said, he became full of remorse broke down and wept. However when Jesus was being arrested he attempted to defend him and cut off the ear of a servant. Jesus told him to put away his sword and with great compassion healed the ear of the injured man.

Despite all of this at the Grotto of Pan in Ceasarea Philippi Jesus told Peter that he was the rock on which his church would be built.  At other times Peter was strong and faithful and when Jesus asked his Disciples "Who do you think I am" it was Peter who replied "You are the Christ the son of the living God". He had the faith to attempt to walk on water, and recognised Jesus straight away after the resurrection rushing over to meet him. Whilst Jesus called him "The Rock" he was also known as Simon-Peter and Cephas which was his name in Aramaic. Jesus also commissioned Peter after the resurrection to "Go feed my sheep".

On the day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit came he became bold and forthright in his teachings which led to 3,000 converts on the first day. He continued preaching wherever he was to Jews and Gentiles alike explaining the importance of Baptism as he went. He visited the house of Cornelius the Roman centurion who became the first Roman Gentile convert which was very dangerous because the Romans soon realised that the new Christians were a challenge to their authority. When the Christians fled to Antioch when persecutions began in Jerusalem he held meetings in a cave which is now thought to be St Peters Grotto Church.  Peter performed healings and raised Dorcas from the dead in Joppa. Through his teaching he explained Jesus to the Sanhedrin and contributed to the council of Jerusalem.  Herod Agrippa had him arrested but despite being chained and heavily guarded he made a miraculous escape.

Peter has two letters preserved as books in the New Testament (1 Peter & 2 Peter) which gave lots of advice to Christians on how to live in difficult times. It is also thought that Peter was the primary source for Marks gospel as Mark was Peter’s personal assistant in Rome. Whilst much of his teaching was to a Jewish audience he began to travel more later on and had links with Christians in Pontus Galatia, Cappadocia and Asia and finally ended up in Rome where he eventually became leader of the Church. He was executed under Emperor Nero around A.D.64 because he would not renounce Christ and so became one of the early Christian martyrs.

Subsequent leaders of the Roman church became known as bishops but later in the sixth century the head became known as Pope which means Peter. Peters name along with Paul are synonymous with the birth of Christianity being the first two great missionaries. What a legacy they have left as Christian followers are now believed to number two billion across the globe. St Peters Basilica and St Peters square remain in the centre of Rome and the nearby Vatican is the centre of the Catholic Church. It was through the bravery shown and hardship endured by Apostles such as Peter that the Christian faith survived to provide systems of law and a moral and ethical compass for many countries across the world. A small band of frightened followers were transformed and inspired by the power of the Holy Spirit to spread the good news and the teachings of Jesus Christ. That same Holy Spirit is available to us today when we admit our shortcomings and commit ourselves in a life of prayer to follow Jesus.

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