Is the creation story ancient myth?


Critics of the bible contend that the creation story in Genesis in merely myth akin to other fables common to that time in ancient history and that the beginning of the universe has been fully explained by science and Big Bang theory. The Genesis account is written in a rather poetic style and arose from a story telling tradition that was passed down through generations of Hebrews before being written down most likely by Moses. It is not a scientific text book but written in a way that could be understood for all generations. Many like to portray the idea that this account and science are completely incompatible but the Genesis account has some remarkable similarities to the science text book given that it was written long before the enlightenment and the scientific age and the order of creation is very close to that put forward by science.

Science tells us that the universe begins with an explosion (The big bang) of the primeval atom causing streams of light (Quanta) diffusing light protons throughout the universe and that our galaxy begins to rotate, this concurs with the bible account on day one of creation "Let there be light". Science then tells us that over the earth there is condensation and the formation of oceans and water vapour (clouds) whilst in the bible on the second day it confirms "Let an expanse separate the waters from the water" The expanse being the atmosphere. In the early pre Cambrian period oxidisation occurs as chloroplasts and green algae form to put oxygen into the air and from this two main plant groups emerge, the ferns and mosses followed by seed bearing flowering plants and trees. The bible concurs on the third day "Let the earth bring forward green matter" Whilst many of our bibles say grass, in the original Hebrew the word "Deshe" actually mean green matter. The dense vapour that surrounds the earth then clears to reveal the Sun Moon and Stars and the bible records on the forth day "Let there be lights in the sky" Critic will often say at this point that plants could not have formed without the sun but the bible interestingly in Hebrew uses the past tense, to suggest that the sun moon and stars had already been created bearing in mind also that the whole account is viewed from the earth where clouds and vapour would have obscured the celestial bodies. From the post Cambrian period Marine fossils are formed in the strata and on the fifth day the bible records "Let the waters bring forth swarms of life" The Hebrew word "Sherets" describe Trilobites molluscs and non back boned sea life. These appear suddenly and another Hebrew word "Tannin" describes the later developments of "sea monsters" also Amphibians and reptiles. This day also brings forward winged creatures to include insects and birds and creatures scurrying across the ground. In the order of evolution the larger land animals and mammals appear later and finally mankind. In the bible on the sixth day "Let us bring forth living creatures" and "Let us make man" To conclude, the order of life as described in a science text book and the bible is remarkably similar. Algae > Marine life > Vertibrates > Land life > Mammals > Man.

The Hebrew word for creation "bara" which means to create out of nothing is used in Genesis each relating to Matter, life and soul. Before the first day God makes the heavens and the earth which is without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep. We know from science that the earth was without form being a swirling ball of hot gases and that because of the vapours surrounding it there was darkness and depth. Only as the earth cooled did water vapour condense to form seas. On the third day God said "Let the waters gather into one place and let dry land appear" Which is consistent with the original super continent Pangaea which can be seen in text books showing how the current continents fitted together like a jig-saw puzzle to form one large land mass. The bible tells us that all creatures were complete from their beginning which contradicts the theory of evolution. Charles Darwin who expounded this theory had some doubts about his own theory which hinged on transitional fossils between species needing to be found. These missing links remain largely absent and the major orders of living creatures seem to arrive millions of years apart rather than in a gradual process as one might expect from an evolutionary process. Early marine life appears with jointed legs, articulated bodies, gills and an advanced eye. The eye is a most complex structure which seems to have suddenly appeared. Insects such as bees cannot survive without flowering plants and those plants cannot pollinate without the bee. Over an evolutionary period of hundreds of millions of years both would have to evolve in the same summer of one year. The theory of evolution remains the best scientific theory but within which many questions remain unanswered.

The Hebrew word "asha" is used in the bible to describe creating or making from what already exists which could indicate an evolved process which would seem to be a more accurate reflection of the known "stage by stage" fossil record. The creation story speaks of the world being made in seven days which is counter to scientific knowledge showing the earth and life on it forming over millions of years. The bible account is presented in story form so we cannot be sure that it means a literal seven day period because in Hebrew a day may also be defined as an age or epoch and the apostle Paul indicates that Gods time and our time on earth are very different. The bible also tells us that God created the universe by his word and Jesus himself is described as the "word" in the book of John.

Science has revealed to us the the wonders of quantum physics and the revelation that there are ever smaller particles that make up our physical reality. It is remarkable that the bible revealed to us in antiquity that the things that are seen are made up of things unseen. We are still learning about the nature of quantum mechanics and the cosmos and although science believes that all will be explained at some point in the future in a unified theory of everything the bible tells us that we will only ever see dimly in this life and that our earthly knowledge will remain incomplete.

In our bodies the D.N.A. genetic code shows that all life forms are the result of a set of instructions, it has been described by science as the language of life. Jesus is also described as the alpha and the omega, the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet which is an interesting parallel. There are billions of bits of genetically coded information, much like a language in our body cells which makes a random process less likely than an intelligent mind being responsible for our creation. Science now agrees with the bible account that the universe had a beginning at the big bang event where previously scientists had presumed it to be infinite. The science account and the biblical account carry many similarities though we cannot be sure of actual fact as in all humility human knowledge is incomplete. Whatever our view (Scientific or Biblical) it is held as a matter of faith but whilst science deals with the material world the bible is concerned primarily with our personal transformation and the spiritual well being of mankind. Whatever way our world and universe came into being we believe it is more likely to arise from an intelligent entity than just randomly appearing. We believe that God created. As Christians we contend that God inspired mankind to record the creation story and that we too are to evolve, to become more "Christ like" and are created to be spiritual beings in physical bodies, in relationship with him.